The new owner of this famous hotel is planning a complete overhaul therefore the Gellért will be closed down for renovations this December. As a result I rushed to take part in an organized tour to inspect the imprints of its 100 years leading from the basement to the attic. Four powers had their temporary seat in the Gellért, the invading Romanian army after the first world war, Hungary’s incoming governor between the world wars, Mr Horthy, then the Germans in 1944 and soon thereafter the victorious Soviet army. After 1956 the Gellért became the luxury symbol of post Stalinist János Kádár’s overture to the West until internationally renown hotels were opened on the other side of the Danube.
Today’s Gellért bears the hallmarks of 60s and 80s renovations with all their datedness. The service areas need a complete renewal, not to speak of the furniture and common areas. The building and its style on the other hand is iconic and together with the neighboring spa would make any capital in the world proud. We look forward to the next era of the Gellért Hotel.
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